Learn how to integrate our monitoring solution into your server
To integrate WebSocket functionality, follow the steps below:
// Main.ts
import express from 'express';
import http from 'http';
import { sysResource_WebsocketData } from './websocketData';
// Create an Express app (optional)
const app = express();
const cors = require('cors')
app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: false }));
const corsOptions = {
origin: 'https://sysresource.vercel.app',// your frontend domain or ip
optionsSuccessStatus: 200 // some legacy browsers (IE11, various SmartTVs) choke on 204
//Integrating WebSocket
// Create an HTTP server
const server = http.createServer(app);
// Define WebSocket authentication key and data sending interval
const authKey = 'your-secret-key';
const interval = 5000; // Send data every 5 seconds (in milliseconds)
// Pass the HTTP server to the WebSocket handler
sysResource_WebsocketData(server, { key: authKey, interval });
// Start the server
const PORT = 4000;
server.listen(PORT, () => {
console.log('Server Listening on Port 4000');
// websocketData.ts
const WebSocketServer = require('websocket').server; // WebSocket server from the 'websocket' package
const os = require('os');
const url = require('url');
let previousCpuInfo = os.cpus();
function calculateCpuUsage() {
const currentCpuInfo = os.cpus();
let idleDiff = 0;
let totalDiff = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < currentCpuInfo.length; i++) {
const previous = previousCpuInfo[i].times;
const current = currentCpuInfo[i].times;
const prevIdle = previous.idle;
const prevTotal:any = Object.values(previous).reduce((acc:number, val:number) => acc + val, 0);
const currIdle = current.idle;
const currTotal:any = Object.values(current).reduce((acc:number, val:number) => acc + val, 0);
idleDiff += currIdle - prevIdle;
totalDiff += currTotal - prevTotal;
const cpuUsagePercent = 100 - Math.floor((idleDiff / totalDiff) * 100);
previousCpuInfo = currentCpuInfo;
return (cpuUsagePercent>=0 && cpuUsagePercent<=100)?cpuUsagePercent:0;
// Define a function to start WebSocket server with key-based authentication
export function sysResource_WebsocketData(server, options){
const { key: authKey, interval } = options;
// Create a WebSocket server attached to the HTTP server
const wss = new WebSocketServer({
httpServer: server // Attach to the provided HTTP server
// Handle WebSocket requests and connections
wss.on('request', (req) => {
const requestUrl = url.parse(req.httpRequest.url || '', true);
const params = requestUrl.query;
// Only allow connections to the /sysresource path
if (requestUrl.pathname !== '/sysresource') {
req.reject(404, 'Not Found');
// Check if the provided key matches the server's key
if (params.key !== authKey) {
// console.log('Client attempted to connect with an invalid key.');
req.reject(1008, 'Unauthorized'); // Reject the request if the key is invalid
// console.log('Client connected via WebSocket with valid key');
const connection = req.accept(null, req.origin);
// Function to send system resource data periodically
const sendSystemResources = () => {
const data = {
hostname: os.hostname(),
cpu: os.cpus()[0].model,
cpuCore: os.cpus().length,
totalMemory: Math.round(os.totalmem() * 0.000001),
freeMemory: Math.round(os.freemem() * 0.000001),
release: os.release(),
platform: os.platform(),
uptime: Math.round(os.uptime() / 60), // in minutes
type: os.type(),
machine: os.machine(),
architecture: os.arch(),
// Set interval to send data based on the provided interval
const dataInterval = setInterval(sendSystemResources, interval);
// Handle WebSocket connection close event
connection.on('close', () => {
// console.log('Client disconnected');
clearInterval(dataInterval); // Stop sending data when the client disconnects
This code will start the WebSocket server and send system resource on request in Nodejs.
Use the following API function to fetch system resource details:
// Main.ts
import express from 'express';
import { sysresource_APIData } from './APIData';
// Create an Express app
const app = express();
const cors = require('cors')
app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: false }));
//Define Cors for communcation
const corsOptions = {
origin: 'https://sysresource.vercel.app',// your frontend domain or ip
optionsSuccessStatus: 200 // some legacy browsers (IE11, various SmartTVs) choke on 204
// Define a route for the API
app.get('/sysresource/:key', (req, res) => {
const { key } = req.params;
const secretKey = 'your-secret-key';
const data = sysresource_APIData({ paramKey: key, key: secretKey });
if(data.success) {
} else {
// Start the server
const PORT = 4000;
server.listen(PORT, () => {
console.log('Server Listening on PORT 4000');
const os = require('os');
interface sysresource_APIDataOptions {
key: string;
interface SystemInfo {
hostname: string;
cpuUsage: number;
cpu: string;
cpuCore: number;
totalMemory: number; // in MB
freeMemory: number; // in MB
release: string;
platform: string;
uptime: number; // in minutes
type: string;
machine: string;
architecture: string;
let previousCpuInfo = os.cpus();
function calculateCpuUsage() {
const currentCpuInfo = os.cpus();
let idleDiff = 0;
let totalDiff = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < currentCpuInfo.length; i++) {
const previous = previousCpuInfo[i].times;
const current = currentCpuInfo[i].times;
const prevIdle = previous.idle;
const prevTotal:any = Object.values(previous).reduce((acc:number, val:number) => acc + val, 0);
const currIdle = current.idle;
const currTotal:any = Object.values(current).reduce((acc:number, val:number) => acc + val, 0);
idleDiff += currIdle - prevIdle;
totalDiff += currTotal - prevTotal;
const cpuUsagePercent = 100 - Math.floor((idleDiff / totalDiff) * 100);
previousCpuInfo = currentCpuInfo;
return (cpuUsagePercent>=0 && cpuUsagePercent<=100)?cpuUsagePercent:0;
export function sysresource_APIData(options:sysresource_APIDataOptions):{
data:SystemInfo | null} {
const { paramKey, key: authKey } = options;
if(paramKey !== authKey) {
return {
success: false, error: 'Unauthorized key',data: null}
const data = {
hostname: os.hostname(),
cpu: os.cpus()[0].model,
cpuCore: os.cpus().length,
totalMemory: Math.round(os.totalmem() * 0.000001),
freeMemory: Math.round(os.freemem() * 0.000001),
release: os.release(),
platform: os.platform(),
uptime: Math.round(os.uptime() / 60), // in minutes
type: os.type(),
machine: os.machine(),
architecture: os.arch(),
return {success:true,error:null,data:data}
The /sysresource/your-secret-key
endpoint provides CPU usage, memory details, and other system statistics. Make sure to include your API key in the authorization parameters.